Bihar Crime News: Multiple Cases of Child Theft in Bihar
Several incidents of child theft have been reported in Bihar. In most cases, it has been difficult to find the stolen child and bring them back. One such incident occurred in Bhagalpur district, where the father’s intuition helped him recover his child. However, this incident has brought to light several issues. There is an active gang involved in child theft in the city, which can snatch your child from anywhere. The negligence of the police in such cases has also been highlighted in this incident.
Teacher Buys Stolen Child in Bhagalpur
A school teacher in Bhagalpur has been caught buying a stolen child. When the child’s parents failed to receive any help from the police stations, they took matters into their own hands. They managed to track down the accused woman and also found her husband. With their own efforts, they brought the child back and handed her over to the police. The incident exposed the negligence of the police and the determination of the parents to find their missing child.
Child Kidnapping Incidents Continue
Child theft incidents continue to occur in Bihar. Just two months ago, a woman from Sultanpur stole a child while pretending to offer him food. After receiving information about the incident, the police are now searching for the accused woman to question her about previous incidents. The safety and security of children in the state remain a concern.
Child Theft at Government Hospital in Bhagalpur
Even the largest government hospital in Bhagalpur has not been spared from child theft. The child was stolen from the hospital ward. The police are investigating the incident and trying to ensure the safe recovery of the child. The frequency of child theft cases in Bihar is a matter of great concern.
बिहार में बच्चा चोरी की कई घटनाएं सामने आ रही हैं। इन मामलों में चोरी किए गए बच्चे को ढूंढ़ना मुश्किल साबित हो रहा है। भागलपुर जिले में भी एक ऐसी ही घटना हुई, लेकिन इस बार बच्चे के पिता ने उसे वापस दिला दिया। इस घटना ने बहुत सारे मुद्दों को सामने लाया है, जैसे शहर में चोरी का गिरोह और पुलिस की लापरवाही। यह घटना एक शिक्षिका को भी सामने लाया है जिसने चोरी किए हुए बच्चे को खरीदा था। जब पुलिस से मदद नहीं मिली तो बच्चे के पिता ने खुद ही आरोपित महिला को ढूंढ़ा और उसे बच्चे को वापस लाया। इसके अलावा भी बिहार में बच्चा चोरी की और घटनाएं हो रही हैं, जैसे कि कुछ महीने पहले तातारपुर थाना क्षेत्र में बच्चे की चोरी हुई थी। पुलिस अब इन घटनाओं की जांच कर रही है।