Jamshedpur: Jawans of the Chakradharpur Mandal ARoIeF Special Squad apprehended a mobile phone thief on Friday morning at the ticket center of Tata Nagar station. The team, led by Inspector Rakesh Kumar, was on patrol duty when they received information about a man involved in mobile thefts in the area. Acting swiftly, the team reached the ticket center and apprehended the suspect.

The suspect, identified as Rajesh Kumar, was caught red-handed with stolen mobile phones in his possession. The team recovered four mobile phones along with a large sum of cash from him. Rajesh Kumar was immediately taken into custody and further investigation is underway to determine the extent of his involvement in other mobile theft cases in the area.

Inspector Rakesh Kumar commended the efforts of his team in apprehending the mobile thief. He emphasized the importance of such operations in maintaining law and order in the city. He also urged the public to be vigilant and report any suspicious activities to the police. The successful operation by the Chakradharpur Mandal ARoIeF Special Squad is expected to deter potential mobile thieves in the area and ensure the safety of the public.

जमशेदपुर में चक्रधरपुर मंडल आरोइएफ स्पेशल स्क्वॉयड के जवानों ने शुक्रवार की सुबह टाटानगर स्टेशन के टिकट केंद्र से एक मोबाइल चोर को पकड़ा। इस कार्रवाई में वे बड़ी साहसिकता दिखाकर सभी की प्रशंसा पाई है।

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