Purnia: Wedding celebrations turned into mourning in Jaipuraniya, Purnia, as a woman was shot dead during the wedding procession. The incident occurred when the bride’s aunt was hit by a bullet during celebratory firing, resulting in her immediate death. To hide the incident, the family cremated the woman’s body in a hurry late at night. The police have started investigating the case after receiving information about the incident. The incident took place late Friday night in Bahadura village under the Akbarpur police station area, where the bride’s aunt was killed by a bullet during celebratory firing. The deceased woman was the 35-year-old wife of W Singh, a resident of Kuandi village in the Dhamdaha police station area. Local residents shared details about the incident.
Investigation underway after woman killed during celebratory firing in Purnia: The police have launched an investigation into the incident in Jaipuraniya, Purnia, where a woman lost her life during celebratory firing at a wedding. The bride’s aunt was fatally shot during the festivities, prompting the family to quickly cremate her body to cover up the incident. The police have been informed and are currently examining the case. The incident occurred late Friday night in Bahadura village under the jurisdiction of Akbarpur police station.
Woman cremated in haste after being killed in celebratory firing in Purnia: In a tragic incident during a wedding procession in Jaipuraniya, Purnia, a woman was killed by a bullet during celebratory firing. To conceal the incident, the family hastily cremated the woman’s body late at night. The deceased woman was the wife of W Singh, a resident of Kuandi village in the Dhamdaha police station area. The police have been alerted and are investigating the matter. The incident took place in Bahadura village, under the jurisdiction of Akbarpur police station.
Police investigate after woman dies in celebratory firing during wedding in Purnia: The police have begun their investigation into a tragic incident that occurred during a wedding in Jaipuraniya, Purnia. A woman lost her life when she was hit by a bullet during celebratory firing. In an attempt to hide the incident, the family cremated the woman’s body hastily. The police have been informed and are currently conducting inquiries. The incident occurred in Bahadura village, under the jurisdiction of Akbarpur police station.
एक शादी के दौरान हर्ष फायरिंग के दौरान एक महिला की मामी को गोली लगने से मौत हो गई। मामले को छुपाने के लिए, महिला के शव को रात के समय जलाकर दाह संस्कार कर दिया गया। पुलिस जांच में जुट गई है और घटना की सूचना पर पहुंची है। घटना अकबरपुर थाना क्षेत्र के बहादुरा गांव में हुई है और मृतक महिला धमदाहा थाना क्षेत्र के कुआंड़ी गांव की हैं।