On Tuesday, his son revealed that his mother is mentally ill and his daughter cannot live without her. The daughter had left home with her mother, but they ended up in Sahibganj. They reached the office of the Child Welfare Committee, where they submitted all the documents. After that, counseling for the woman and her son was conducted by the Manthan Namak Social Organization. Following this, the mother and daughter were handed over to him. The young man became emotional upon finding his daughter and mother. He said that he had been searching for them continuously. On this occasion, Bal Raksha Officer Poonam Kumari, member of the Child Welfare Committee Dr. Surendranath Tiwari, City Women’s Police Station in-charge Sumitra Kachhap, and Manthan Organization coordinator Aman Kumar were present.
HTML Subheadings:
Mother’s Mental Illness
On Tuesday, the son of a woman revealed that his mother is mentally ill and his daughter cannot live without her.
Lost and Found in Sahibganj
The daughter had left home with her mother, but they ended up in Sahibganj.
Submitting Documents to the Child Welfare Committee
They reached the office of the Child Welfare Committee, where they submitted all the documents.
Counseling and Reunion
After submitting the documents, counseling for the woman and her son was conducted by the Manthan Namak Social Organization. Following this, the mother and daughter were handed over to him.
Note: The given text is a mixture of Hindi and English, and some of the sentences are not clear or complete. The provided summary is based on the available information.
मंगलवार को एक युवक ने अपने पिता को बताया कि उनकी मां मानसिक रोगी हैं और उनकी बेटी उनकी मां के बिना नहीं रह पाती है। बेटी और मां एक दिन घर से निकल गईं और भटककर साहिबगंज पहुंच गईं। वह बाल कल्याण समिति के कार्यालय में जा पहुंचीं और सभी कागजात जमा करवाईं। उसके बाद महिला और पुत्र की काउंसलिंग की गई और उसके बाद उसे अपनी मां और बेटी को वापस सौंप दिया गया। एक युवक ने अपनी मां और बेटी को पकड़कर भावुक होते हुए कहा कि वह लगातार उनकी तलाश में भटक रहा था। इस मौके पर बाल संरक्षण पदाधिकारी, बाल कल्याण समिति के सदस्य, नगर महिला थाना प्रभारी और मंथन संस्था के समन्वयक भी मौजूद थे।