Delhi NCR Metro: For people living in Noida and Greater Noida, there is important news regarding the metro. The route between Noida and Greater Noida is being changed. The DMRC has started preparing a detailed project report for this route change, which will now have 11 stations instead of 9. This will provide convenience to people living in the area. Let’s first understand about the new route of the Noida to Greater Noida Metro.
Metro costing 2700 crores:
The new metro route will be constructed from Sector-51 to Knowledge Park 5, with 11 stations. It will also be connected to the Delhi Metro and Noida Metro. The first station will be built in front of Sector-61, where it will connect the Blue Line of Delhi and the Aqua Line of Noida. The cost of the new metro route will be around 2700 crores.
Connecting Blue Line to Aqua Line:
It is known that the alignment of the Aqua Line Metro extension plan from Noida to Greater Noida West Knowledge Park-5 is being changed. Earlier, the plan was to connect the Aqua Line Metro to the Blue Line up to Sector-52. However, this has now been changed. But now, the Aqua Line Metro going towards Greater Noida West will be connected to the Blue Line Metro at Sector-6. The DMRC is preparing for this change.
Route to be extended by approximately 2.5 km:
After the route change, the Aqua Line Metro will travel by connecting to the Blue Line at Sector-61. Its route will be extended by approximately 2.5 km. After receiving approval from the government, the NMRC will conduct a detailed survey and prepare a feasibility report.
नोएडा और ग्रेटर नोएडा में रहने वालों के लिए एक बहुत महत्वपूर्ण खबर है कि दिल्ली एनसीआर मेट्रो का रूट बदल रहा है। नोएडा से ग्रेटर नोएडा तक के बीच नया मेट्रो रूट बनेगा और इसमें 11 स्टेशन होंगे। इसके साथ ही ब्लू लाइन और एक्वा लाइन को भी जोड़ा जाएगा। इसके लिए करीब 2700 करोड़ रुपये की लागत आएगी। यह रूट करीब 2.5 किमी तक बढ़ाया जाएगा। एनएमआरसी जल्द ही डिटेल सर्वे कर फिजिबिलिटी रिपोर्ट तैयार करेगी।