Supaul resident Mohan Prakash has become a blessing for young people who dream of getting a government job. He has provided training to nearly 200 young people in the Pratapganj block of Supaul district and helped them secure government jobs. Mohan Prakash himself had come to Supaul city in 2020 with the dream of becoming an athletics coach after completing his graduation. He started preparing for a Bachelor of Physical Education at the city’s outdoor stadium.
After witnessing his practice sessions, young people aspiring to join the army and police started taking training from him. This led to a trend of providing government jobs to the youth, which continues to this day. Mohan Prakash has also provided training to national rugby player Anshu Kumar. In just three years, around 200 young people have become army, police, prohibition, home guards, forest guards, and sub-inspectors. They are also preparing some young people for the Agniveer exam. The best part is that Mohan Prakash does not charge any fees from the young people in exchange for the training.
Another student who was selected for the national camp in athletics credits Mohan Prakash for his success. He dreams of becoming an athletics coach and is continuously preparing for it. Abhilash Kumar, who is also receiving training, says that he has seen good training being provided here. His running skills have improved after starting the training. Similarly, Manisha Kumar shares that she has been selected for the national camp in rugby after taking training from Mohan Prakash. She has already played at the state level.
मोहन प्रकाश, सुपौल निवासी मो जिब्राईल ने सुपौल जिले के प्रतापगंज प्रखंड अंतर्गत टेकुना वार्ड-6 में सरकारी नौकरी पाने के लिए नौजवानों को ट्रेनिंग देना शुरू किया है। उन्होंने अब तक करीब दो सौ नौजवानों को आर्मी, पुलिस, मद्य निषेद्य, होमगार्ड, फॉरेस्ट गार्ड और दारोगा जैसी सरकारी नौकरियों में स्थान दिलाया है। उन्होंने नौजवानों से कोई शुल्क नहीं लिया है। उन्होंने नेशनल रग्बी खिलाड़ी अंशु कुमारी को भी ट्रेनिंग दी है और उन्हें चीन के ताईपे में हुई नेशनल रग्बी चैंपियनशिप में भारत को सिल्वर मेडल दिलाया है।