Jharkhand Board Changes Time Table for Matric and Intermediate Exams
The Jharkhand Academic Council has made changes to the time table for the Matric and Intermediate exams in Jharkhand. One notable change is that students will no longer have a five-minute break in between exams.
Impact on Students
The removal of the five-minute break between exams will have a direct impact on the students. Previously, this break allowed students to rest and gather their thoughts before proceeding to the next exam. However, with this change, students will now have to manage their time more efficiently and ensure they are mentally prepared for each exam without any breaks in between.
Reason for Change
The decision to remove the break from the time table is likely based on the aim of streamlining the examination process. By eliminating breaks, the Jharkhand Academic Council may believe that it can ensure a more efficient and organized conduct of exams, reducing any potential disruptions or delays.
Student Response and Preparation
Students in Jharkhand will need to adapt to this change in the time table and prepare accordingly. They will need to plan their study schedule in a way that allows them to effectively manage their time during exams. Additionally, it will be crucial for students to practice techniques to stay focused and mentally alert throughout the duration of each exam, as they will no longer have the luxury of a short break in between.
झारखंड में मैट्रिक और इंटरमीडिएट परीक्षा के टाइम टेबल में बदलाव किया गया है। इसके अनुसार, अब एक पाली की परीक्षा में छात्र-छात्राओं को पांच मिनट का ब्रेक नहीं मिलेगा। यह बदलाव छात्रों के लिए एक बड़ी परेशानी हो सकती है।