RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat is set to visit Patna and Bhagalpur in Bihar as part of his three-day tour. On 21st December, Bhagwat will arrive in Patna and on 22nd December, he will be present at the Maharshi Mehi Ashram in Bhagalpur for a program with revered saints. Bhagwat will spend nearly six hours with sadhus and sanyasis at the ashram, and will also meet the present Acharya Shri Harinandan Baba. A screening of the film “Maharshi Mehi” will also be held. The district police have made strong security preparations for his arrival.

On 22nd December, RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat will visit the Maharshi Mehi Ashram in Kuppghat, Bhagalpur. He is coming to inquire about the well-being of the present Acharya Shri Harinandan Baba. During his visit, Bhagwat will spend around six hours with sadhus and sanyasis at the ashram. The International spokesperson of the Santmat sect, Swami Satyanand Maharaj, senior sanyasi Arvind Baba, and Ramnandan Baba from Nepal will also be present. The arrangements for Bhagwat’s visit have been reviewed by the officials of the All India Santmat Satsang Mahasabha.

To enhance security arrangements, police officers have been inspecting the premises of the ashram both inside and outside. The Deputy Superintendent of Police, along with other police officials, visited the ashram to assess the security arrangements. The security measures along the banks of the Ganges near the ashram were also reviewed. This is the second time this year that RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat is visiting the Maharshi Mehi Ashram in Kuppghat, Bhagalpur. Previously, he had attended the inauguration ceremony of the Guru Niwas in the ashram, where he also performed the worship of cows. Former IPS officer Acharya Kishor Kunal was also present during the event.

The Maharshi Mehi Ashram in Bhagalpur is located on the banks of the Ganges and is known as Kuppghat. This is the place where Maharshi Mehi Paramhans spent ten years in a cave. The ashram is popular for the celebration of Maharshi Mehi’s birth anniversary and Guru Purnima, which attracts a large number of devotees. There is a garden in the ashram where some events related to the Ramayana are depicted in the form of statues. The reconstruction and beautification of this ashram have faced strong opposition, as there were protests against encroachment on the Guru’s place. The history of the Maharshi Mehi Ashram in Bhagalpur dates back many years, with its establishment taking place in 1960.

राष्ट्रीय स्वयंसेवक संघ (आरएसएस) के सरसंघचालक डॉ. मोहन भागवत पटना आ रहे हैं, जहां उन्हें 21 दिसंबर को संघ के प्रांत प्रचार प्रमुख द्वारा पूज्य संतों के कार्यक्रम में शामिल होना है। उन्हें 22 दिसंबर को भागलपुर के कुप्पा घाट स्थित महर्षि मेंही आश्रम में वर्तमान आचार्यश्री हरिनंदन बाबा से मिलने का कार्यक्रम है। उनका प्रस्थान 23 दिसंबर को होगा। इस दौरान संघ प्रमुख करीब छह घंटे तक साधु-संन्यासियों के साथ समय बिताएंगे और फिल्म महर्षि मेंहीं का लुक आउट भी जारी करेंगे। सुरक्षा की मजबूत तैयारी की गई है और आश्रम के अंदर-बाहर निरीक्षण किया गया है।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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