Agartala-Anand Vihar Rajdhani Express is set to give Bihar’s Bhagalpur a unique gift in the new year. The Tejas Rajdhani Express will start running from Bhagalpur in January. Bhagalpur is a Grade A-1 station and demand for Rajdhani Express has been high from here for the past two decades. The official booking for the Rajdhani Express has started and tickets are available on waiting list for the initial few days. This will be a weekly train that will run from Agartala to Anand Vihar Terminal via Bhagalpur. However, the wait for a modern train like Vande Bharat will continue, as feasibility studies have been conducted for it.

The booking for the Agartala-Anand Vihar Tejas Rajdhani Express started 120 days in advance. As of today, there is a waiting list of 5 in Third AC, 2 in Second AC, and 4 in First AC. Tickets for future dates have also been booked.

The Tejas Rajdhani Express offers dynamic fare slabs along with Tatkal and Premium Tatkal options. The base fare for the Tejas Rajdhani Express is five percent higher than the regular Rajdhani Express. The train will stop at Bhagalpur station directly after Malda in the Malda Rail Division and then at Jamalpur station.

Officials say that people have been demanding the Rajdhani Express to be run from Bhagalpur for a long time, and now their wish is being fulfilled. People are also booking tickets. There is no official information on the operation of Vande Bharat or Metro trains.

The schedule of the Tejas Rajdhani Express is as follows: it will depart from Anand Vihar Terminal on Wednesday at 7:50 pm. It will reach Kanpur Central at 12:35 pm, Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyay Junction at 4:42 am, Patna at 7:55 am, Jamalpur at 11:35 am, Bhagalpur at 12:35 pm, Malda Town at 4:25 pm, New Jalpaiguri at 8:05 pm, Rangiya at 1:52 pm the next day, and Guwahati at 3:05 am. It will then reach Dharmanagar at 12:16 pm, Ambasa at 1:39 pm, and Agartala at 3:40 pm.

The Agartala-Anand Vihar Rajdhani Express will depart from Agartala at 3:45 pm, Ambasa at 4:39 pm, Dharmanagar at 5:54 pm, Guwahati at 3:10 am, New Jalpaiguri at 10:05 am, Malda Town at 3 pm, Bhagalpur at 6:25 pm, Jamalpur at 7:25 pm, and Patna at 10:10 pm. It will depart from Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyay at 1:25 pm, Kanpur Central at 5:30 pm, and reach Anand Vihar at 10:50 pm.

In July of the same year, officials received a letter regarding the operation of Vande Bharat and Vande Bharat Metro on the Bhagalpur railway line. Three Vande Metro trains are being operated ★Bhagalpur-Deoghar Metro, Malda-Jamalpur Metro, and Bhagalpur-Haldia Metro. In addition, a bus service is being operated between Bhagalpur and Malda-Patna. All these trains run six days a week. There is no information available on when the rack will be available, according to an official from the Malda division headquarters.

भारतीय रेलवे नए साल में अगरतला-आनंद विहार राजधानी एक्सप्रेस को भागलपुर के लिए लॉन्च करने जा रही है। यह सप्ताहिक ट्रेन होगी और अगरतला से भागलपुर तक चलेगी। टिकट बुकिंग अब से शुरू हो चुकी है और टिकट उपलब्ध हैं। यह ट्रेन बहरहाल अगरतला-आनंद विहार राजधानी एक्सप्रेस की तरह आधुनिक नहीं होगी। इसके अलावा, भागलपुर में वंदे भारत और वंदे भारत मेट्रो की सुविधा भी शुरू हो रही है।

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