Neeraj Kumar, Begusarai: The countdown to the arrival of the New Year has begun, and preparations for the celebrations are in full swing. Many people often make plans to visit a spectacular place during the New Year. If you also want to go to a good place for the New Year, then this news might be special for you. Today, we are going to tell you about the largest freshwater lake in the continent of Asia, the Kaveri Lake. Tourists flock here from December to April. While nature lovers prefer to come here in any weather, visiting during the cold season is always special.
Surrounded by forests, when foreign birds are seen in the lake, it becomes nothing less than paradise for tourists. Here, you can see more than 50 species of foreign birds, which add to the beauty of this place. It can prove to be a perfect destination for your New Year’s getaway.
You can enjoy this lake by spending only Rs. 200. Sunil Kumar, who came to explore from Jehanabad, said that he got information about Kaveri Lake through social media. When he arrived here, he got to see a very beautiful sight in the lake. Tourist Devesh Kumar said that he had heard about this lake from many people, and now he has got the opportunity to visit here. Other tourists also mentioned that there is always a crowd of tourists here from December to April.
Especially, boating is conducted here. Exploring the largest freshwater lake in Asia through a boat ride has its own unique charm. You can enjoy the ride of different areas by paying Rs. 200.
Reaching here is very easy. Let us tell you that Kaveri Lake is the first Ramsar site in Bihar and the 39th in India. The Bihar government declared this lake a bird sanctuary in 1987. This lake is spread over an area of 42 square kilometers (6311 hectares). In this bird sanctuary, 59 types of foreign birds and 107 types of native birds travel here during the cold season.
Kaveri Lake starts from Manjhaul area of Cheria Bariarpur block, which is 22 km away from Begusarai district headquarters. This lake extends from several blocks nearby to Samastipur. You can reach here by taking a bus from the bus stand or by any small vehicle on State Highway 55. You can also come here by private vehicle.
नीरज कुमार, बेगूसराय में नए साल की तैयारी शुरू हो चुकी है। लोग नए साल पर घूमने की योजना बना रहे हैं और इसलिए एशिया महादेश की सबसे बड़ी मीठे पानी की झील, कावर झील, के बारे में जानकारी दी जा रही है। इस झील में दिसंबर से अप्रैल तक पर्यटकों की भीड़ उमड़ती है और यहां 50 से ज्यादा प्रकार के विदेशी पक्षी देखे जा सकते हैं। यह झील बिहार का पहला और भारत का 39वां रामसर साइट है और इसे पक्षी विहार के रूप में मान्यता प्राप्त है। यहां पहुंचने के लिए आप बस या छोटे वाहन का सहारा ले सकते हैं और नौका विहार का भी आनंद उठा सकते हैं। इस झील में ठंडी सर्दियों में भीड़ होती है और प्रकृति प्रेमी लोग यहां आने को पसंद करते हैं।