Gulshan Kashyap, Jamui: Everyone eagerly awaits the winter season. People enjoy good food and make the most of the cold weather. However, during winters, people also worry about catching cold and cough. In such cases, using these five ingredients can help prevent seasonal illnesses.

1. Cloves: Using cloves during winters is beneficial as they are a good source of antiviral, antimicrobial, and antiseptic properties. They help fight infections and provide relief from cold and cough. Cloves have a warming effect and contain anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, consuming cloves during winters is highly recommended.

2. Green Cardamom: Consuming green cardamom during winters is considered as beneficial as consuming nectar. Blood pressure is a major concern for many during winters, and people are at risk of brain hemorrhage and paralysis. These conditions are often caused by high cholesterol and blood pressure. Green cardamom plays a significant role in maintaining healthy blood pressure levels.

3. Cinnamon: Cinnamon has a warming effect and provides numerous benefits to the body. Consuming cinnamon tea can help alleviate cold and cough and protect against infections. Cinnamon contains polyphenols and antioxidants that strengthen the immune system and protect the body. It is also rich in antimicrobial properties, which help in improving digestion.

4. Long Pepper: Long pepper is considered the best to consume during the cold season. It helps treat cough effectively. Consuming long pepper with honey has a warming effect and helps keep the body warm. It can also provide relief from respiratory infections in children and adults alike.

5. Fresh Coriander: Consuming coriander chutney during winters boosts immunity. Coriander is rich in vitamin C, which helps strengthen the immune system. Consuming coriander chutney reduces the risk of seasonal illnesses. It is also beneficial for diabetic patients as it helps manage glucose levels. Additionally, coriander chutney aids in digestion and contains fiber and antioxidants.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is based on discussions with our experts and is for general knowledge purposes only. It is not personal advice. Individual needs may vary, so it is advisable to consult a doctor before using any of these remedies. Please note that the team at Local-18 will not be held responsible for any damages caused by the use of these remedies.

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