In Sundgi village of Maradih Tola in Jamshedpur, Gudabanda block, a group of women farmers have come together to form a new organization called Nay Aade Jal Upbhokta Samuh. This organization aims to address the water scarcity issues faced by the villagers and has successfully implemented five innovative methods to conserve water.
Water Conservation Initiatives
The women farmers of Sundgi village have implemented five unique methods to conserve water. These include creating small ponds, constructing check dams, digging trenches, planting trees, and promoting drip irrigation techniques. These initiatives have not only helped in preserving water resources but also improved the overall agricultural productivity of the region.
Impact on the Community
The formation of Nay Aade Jal Upbhokta Samuh has brought about a positive impact on the community. The availability of water for irrigation has increased, resulting in higher crop yields. This has not only improved the economic condition of the farmers but also ensured food security for the village. Additionally, the organization has empowered women by actively involving them in decision-making processes and giving them a voice in matters related to water management.
Future Plans and Sustainability
The women farmers of Sundgi village are determined to continue their efforts towards water conservation and sustainable agriculture. They plan to expand their organization and reach out to more villages in the region, spreading awareness about the importance of water conservation. With their innovative methods and collective efforts, the women farmers are setting an inspiring example for others to follow, ensuring a more sustainable future for themselves and their communities.
जमशेदपुर के गुड़ाबांदा प्रखंड के सुंड़गी गांव में रहने वाली महिला किसानों ने मिलकर नये आड़े जल उपभोक्ता समूह नामक संगठन की स्थापना की है। इस संगठन के 5 सदस्यों ने रोजगार और आय के साधन बढ़ाने के लिए एकजुट होकर खेती करने का फैसला किया है। इससे पहले वे मुख्य रूप से घरेलू कार्यों में लगे रहते थे। संगठन के तहत यह महिला किसान समूह अब बेची जाने वाली सब्जियों की खेती करेगा और किसान बाजार में उन्हें बेचेगा। इससे महिला किसानों को न केवल स्वावलंबी बनाने का अवसर मिलेगा, बल्कि इससे ग्रामीण क्षेत्र में आर्थिक विकास की गति भी बढ़ेगी।