Visitors flock to Bodh Gaya to listen to Dalai Lama’s teachings
A large number of domestic and international tourists and devotees participated in the third day of the preaching by the renowned Buddhist leader Dalai Lama in Bodh Gaya, the birthplace of Buddhism. Approximately 50,000 Buddhist followers are attending Dalai Lama’s lectures every day. The final day of the preaching took place on Sunday, and on Monday, prayers will be offered for the long life of Dalai Lama at the Kalachakra Ground. On the third day of the preaching, Dalai Lama emphasized that people of all religions talk about peace. This concept is prevalent in all religions, but Buddhism is unique in this aspect.
Dalai Lama’s teachings focus on the benefits of Buddha’s teachings
Dalai Lama’s teachings in Bodh Gaya revolve around the benefits one can gain from following the teachings of Buddha. His lectures emphasize the importance of peace, compassion, and mindfulness in one’s life. The teachings aim to guide individuals towards a more peaceful and fulfilling existence. The large number of attendees reflects the popularity and impact of Dalai Lama’s teachings.
Bodh Gaya, the global center of Buddhism
Bodh Gaya holds immense significance in the Buddhist faith as it is the place where Gautam Buddha attained enlightenment. It is considered the holiest site for Buddhists worldwide and attracts millions of pilgrims and tourists every year. The presence of Dalai Lama, a revered figure in Buddhism, further enhances the spiritual and cultural importance of Bodh Gaya.
Short: Dalai Lama’s teachings resonate with people of all religions
Dalai Lama’s messages of peace and compassion have a universal appeal, transcending religious boundaries. His teachings resonate with people from various backgrounds, promoting harmony and understanding among individuals. The large turnout of both Buddhist followers and people from other religions in Bodh Gaya demonstrates the widespread impact of Dalai Lama’s teachings and the desire for a more peaceful world.
धर्म है जो शांति के लिए विशेष उपायों का सुझाव देता है। उन्होंने कहा कि यदि हम बुद्ध के बताए गए उपदेशों को अपनाएंगे, तो हमें शांति और सुख की प्राप्ति होगी। दलाई लामा के प्रवचनों को सुनने के लिए देशी-विदेशी पर्यटकों और श्रद्धालुओं ने बौद्ध धर्म के मशहूर स्थल बोधगया में भाग लिया। हर दिन लगभग 50 हजार लोग दलाई लामा के प्रवचन सुन रहे हैं। प्रवचन के तीसरे दिन दलाई लामा ने बताया कि शांति की बातें सभी धर्मों में होती हैं, लेकिन बौद्ध धर्म इस लिए विशेष है क्योंकि यह शांति के लिए विशेष उपायों का सुझाव देता है।