ED’s explosive raids and political turmoil took place amid an important meeting of legislators from the ruling party at Chief Minister Hemant Soren’s residence on Wednesday. The pictures of the meeting show a smiling CM, leading observers to speculate that Hemant Soren will wait for the next steps from ED instead of resigning. Congress legislator Pradeep Yadav, who emerged from the meeting, confirmed that Hemant Soren is still the CM and will continue to hold the position in the coming days.

The meeting of the ruling party’s legislators at Chief Minister Hemant Soren’s residence on Wednesday took place amidst the backdrop of ED’s disruptive raids and political unrest. The images from the meeting indicate a cheerful CM, leading experts to believe that Hemant Soren will await the next course of action from ED rather than tendering his resignation. Congress legislator Pradeep Yadav, who spoke after the meeting, stated that Hemant Soren is still the CM and will remain so in the foreseeable future.

Amidst the ongoing ED raids and political turmoil, an important meeting of legislators from the ruling party was held at Chief Minister Hemant Soren’s residence on Wednesday. The photographs from the meeting show a beaming CM, suggesting that Hemant Soren will not resign but instead wait for the next steps from ED. Congress legislator Pradeep Yadav, who came out of the meeting, confirmed that Hemant Soren is still the CM and will continue in the same role in the days to come.

In the midst of the sensational ED raids and political upheaval, a crucial meeting of legislators from the ruling party was held at the Chief Minister Hemant Soren’s residence on Wednesday. The pictures from the meeting reveal a smiling CM, leading analysts to speculate that Hemant Soren will await ED’s next move rather than tendering his resignation. After the meeting, Congress legislator Pradeep Yadav stated that Hemant Soren is still the CM and will remain so in the upcoming days.

इस वार्तालाप के दौरान, ED की छापों और राजनीतिक हलचल के बीच, सत्तारूढ़ दलों के विधायकों की महत्वपूर्ण बैठक हुई है। मुख्यमंत्री हेमंत सोरेन के आवास पर यह बैठक संपन्न हुई और बैठक की तस्वीरों में सीएम मुस्कुराते नजर आ रहे हैं। कुछ पत्रकारों का कहना है कि हेमंत सोरेन इस्तीफा देने की बजाय ED के अगले कदम का इंतजार करेंगे। इस बैठक के बाद, कांग्रेस विधायक प्रदीप यादव ने बताया कि हेमंत सोरेन अभी भी सीएम हैं और आने वाले दिनों में भी वही सीएम रहेंगे।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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