200 villagers from Dhatola in Budhmoo region contribute to road repair through voluntary labor

Around 200 villagers from the Dhatola region in the Budhmoo district came together on Friday to repair a dilapidated road, covering a distance of 1.5 kilometers. The initiative was taken by the Changada Panchayat, who organized the voluntary labor. The road in question, located in the Sarahul area of Changada, had been in dire need of repair for a long time.

Changada Panchayat takes charge of organizing the road repair initiative

The Changada Panchayat, a local governing body, took the responsibility of coordinating and organizing the road repair project. They mobilized around 200 villagers from Dhatola to contribute their labor towards the repair work. This initiative not only aimed to improve the condition of the road but also fostered a sense of community participation and unity among the villagers.

Local residents join forces to repair the deteriorated road

The 200 villagers from Dhatola, irrespective of their age or occupation, came forward to contribute to the repair work. Armed with tools like shovels, hammers, and wheelbarrows, they worked tirelessly to fix the potholes and uneven patches along the 1.5-kilometer stretch of the road. Their efforts helped restore the road to a much better condition, ensuring smoother and safer transportation for the residents of the area.

Community-driven initiative promotes a sense of ownership and responsibility

This selfless act of the villagers showcases a strong sense of community-driven initiative and unity. By taking charge of the road repair themselves, the residents of Dhatola have demonstrated their commitment to improving their own living conditions. This project not only enhances the infrastructure of the area but also promotes a sense of ownership and responsibility among the villagers, fostering a stronger and more connected community.

बुधमू प्रखंड की चैनगड़ा पंचायत के डहुटोला के 200 ग्रामीणों ने शुक्रवार को श्रमदान से डेढ़ किमी जर्जर सड़क की मरम्मत की। इसकी जानकारी चैनगड़ा सरहुली पंचायत के प्रधान बरनबिर सिंह ने दी। उन्होंने कहा कि यह सड़क ग्रामीणों के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है और उन्होंने इसे अपनी मेहनत से मरम्मत कर दिया है। इसके अलावा, उन्होंने अन्य सामाजिक परियोजनाओं के लिए भी श्रमदान किया है। यह उदाहरण बताता है कि ग्रामीण समुदायों में सामरिक भावना और सामाजिक सहयोग महत्वपूर्ण है।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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