The Pocket Tea, located at Mehndihasan Chowk in Muzaffarpur, is a popular tea shop known for its kullhad chai. People from all corners of the city come here to enjoy a cup of this flavorful tea. In addition to kullhad chai, they also offer ginger, cardamom, and chocolate flavored tea, but their tandoori chai is the most popular. During the evenings, there is always a crowd of people who come to enjoy a cup of tandoori chai.
The proprietor of the shop, Ayan, shares that he comes from a poor family and lost his job during the pandemic. This led to financial difficulties at home. In the midst of unemployment, he came up with the idea of opening a tea shop. He opened the shop near his house at Mehndihasan Chowk and started selling tea.
Every day, they sell around 700 to 800 cups of tea. Ayan mentioned that the idea of running a tea shop came from his father, who initially sold normal tea. However, Ayan decided to give the shop a new look by introducing kullhad and tandoori chai, which significantly boosted their sales. From 7 in the evening until 11 at night, people keep coming to the shop to enjoy a cup of tea.
मुजफ्फरपुर के मेहंदीहसन चौक पर The Pocket Tea नामक चाय की दुकान खुली है जहां लोग कुल्हड़ चाय के साथ-साथ अदरक, इलाइची और चॉकलेट फ्लेवर चाय भी पी सकते हैं। इस दुकान के मालिक अयान ने कोरोना के कारण नौकरी खो दी थी और उन्होंने इस दौरान चाय की दुकान खोलने का आइडिया आया। अब दिन-रात तक लोग इस दुकान पर चाय पीने के लिए आते रहते हैं। यह दुकान शहर में काफी प्रसिद्ध हो गई है और हर दिन 700 से 800 कप चाय बेच लेती है।