The Story of the Beautiful Woman from Bihar
They say everyone wants to be beautiful, whether it’s a woman or a man. However, sometimes this beauty becomes a curse for some women. You may have heard stories of beauty from Mona Lisa to Cleopatra. But today, we will tell you the story of a beautiful woman whose connection is with Bihar. The beauty of this woman had captivated even the enemies and kings of foreign lands. That is why whenever the kings of foreign lands met this beautiful woman, they would change their attire. Yes, we are talking about Vaishali’s Nagarvadhu Amrapali, who later became a Buddhist nun.
The Creation of Nagarvadhu due to Beauty
Historians say that Amrapali’s beauty was indescribable in words. When her beauty reached the royal palace of Vaishali, even the king was struck with awe. He feared that people might start fighting among themselves due to this beautiful woman. After much thought, the king of that time bestowed the title of Nagarvadhu upon Amrapali. After becoming a Nagarvadhu, Amrapali had the freedom to love anyone in the city. It was because of Amrapali that Ajatashatru had attacked the Lichchavi Kingdom. Even Acharya Chatur Sen had praised Amrapali’s beauty in his books.
The Tunnel Built for the Rangmahal
Professor Ram Naresh Yadav of Vaishali says that for Amrapali, the Lichchavi king had a tunnel built from her house to his Rangmahal. He says that when Lord Buddha arrived in Vaishali, Amrapali had expressed her desire to meet him. When Ananda, Lord Buddha’s devoted disciple, got to know about this, he told all the disciples to close their eyes when Amrapali comes to meet Lord Buddha. This shows the extent of Amrapali’s beauty. Even Lord Buddha was concerned that his disciples might be swayed by her beauty.
मनीष वत्स पटना के बारे में एक लेख लिख रहे हैं। इस लेख में वह वैशाली की नगरवधू आम्रपाली की कहानी बता रहे हैं। आम्रपाली की खूबसूरती के कारण उनके दीवाने दुश्मन देश के राजा तक भी हुआ करते थे। राजा ने आम्रपाली को नगरवधू का दर्जा दिया और उनके लिए एक सुरंग बनवायी, ताकि वे भगवान बुद्ध से मिल सकें। आम्रपाली की खूबसूरती की चर्चा वैशाली के राजमहल तक पहुंची और राजा ने आम्रपाली को नगरवधू का दर्जा दिया। इस लेख में आम्रपाली की कहानी का वर्णन किया गया है।