Extensive Banana Cultivation in Simri Village, Bihar
In Simri village near the district headquarters of Buxar in Bihar, a large number of farmers cultivate bananas on more than 10 acres of land. The demand for bananas from this village extends from Bihar to Uttar Pradesh, making banana cultivation a significant part of the village’s identity. The bananas from Simri are especially favored for their taste, and the increasing demand has brought great happiness to the farmers, leading to a good income for the local community.
Vinay Pandey Leading Banana Cultivation Partnership
Vinay Pandey is involved in a partnership for banana cultivation on approximately 12 acres of land in Simri village, with five acres belonging to him. The distinct reputation of banana cultivation in Simri village has attracted many farmers, with the demand for bananas rapidly increasing. During the festival of Chhath Puja, bananas from Simri are the most sought after in markets in Buxar, Dumraon, Brahmapur, and Baliya. The support from the Bihar government has played a crucial role in the success of banana cultivation in Simri, with the distribution of seeds and plants by the Bihar Seed Corporation.
High Yield and Profitable Banana Farming in Simri
The positive results of banana cultivation in Simri have delighted farmers, with a yield of approximately 600 tons of bananas per acre. This high yield translates to a profit of up to two lakhs, making banana farming a lucrative endeavor for the farmers. The government support for banana cultivation in Simri has been instrumental in the success of the farmers, with a continuous supply of bananas from the village to various markets contributing to the economic prosperity of the region.
बिहार के बक्सर जिले में स्थित सिमरी गांव में किसान केले की खेती कर रहे हैं और इससे गांव की अलग पहचान बन गई है। यहां के केले की डिमांड बिहार से लेकर यूपी तक है और इससे किसान भी बहुत खुश हैं। सिमरी गांव में केले की पैदावार बहुत अच्छी होती है और यहां के किसानों की अच्छी आमदनी हो रही है। विनय पांडये के साथ साझेदारी में करीब 12 एकड़ में केले की खेती कर रहे हैं और इससे वे भी काफी खुश हैं। इसमें सरकार का भी भरपूर सहयोग मिल रहा है।