Changes in Planetary Movements
On Tuesday, the Sun, known as the king of planets, changed its position from the Aries sign to the Taurus sign. This shift has led to the Sun, Jupiter in Leo, Moon in Virgo, Ketu in Virgo, Saturn in Aquarius, and Mars and Rahu in Pisces, creating an unfavorable alignment in the sky.
Impact on Weather and Business
Astrologers in Patna, including Dr. Shreepati Tripathi, are concerned about the potential increase in heat, lightning, and crop damage due to the current planetary movements. The next month may see heavy rainfall in Bihar and other parts of the country, accompanied by heatwaves. Real estate businesses may see financial gains, while markets may experience growth in trade.
Remedies and Precautions
For those affected by the Sun’s changing position in their horoscopes, seeking blessings from their fathers is recommended. Worshiping the Sun daily, fasting on Sundays, and offering water to the rising Sun can be beneficial. Reciting prayers like the Aditya Hridaya Stotra can also help mitigate the negative effects.
पटना में ग्रहों के राजा सूर्य की चाल बदलने से ज्योतिषविद् डॉ. श्रीपति त्रिपाठी ने चिंता व्यक्त की है। इस योग का असर अगले एक महीने तक तेज गर्मी के साथ-साथ आंधी-तूफान के तौर पर दिखेगा। उनके अनुसार बिहार सहित देश के कई स्थानों पर भारी बारिश की संभावना है, लेकिन भूकंप, वायुयान दुर्घटना भी हो सकती है। इससे भारत की अंतरराष्ट्रीय स्तर पर पहचान बनेगी। उन्होंने बताया कि उपाय के रूप में जल चढ़ाना, उपवास रखना और सूर्य की स्तुति करना फायदेमंद हो सकता है।