AC Temperature Setting
In modern homes and cars, having an air conditioner is common. While spending time in the coolness of an AC, you may have noticed that the temperature cannot go below 16 degrees. This is because 16 degrees is the minimum temperature for an AC. Let’s explore why this is and the reasons behind it.
Health Concerns
According to branch manager Deepu Kumar, sudden exposure to temperatures below 16 degrees can have adverse effects on health when coming from temperatures between 35 to 38 degrees. This is why the option to lower the temperature below 16 degrees is not available in home AC units. In modern cars, the AC temperature option is displayed as low after 18 degrees, as it is believed to be around 16 degrees. Companies do not offer options below this temperature to prevent health risks.
Technical Issues
Mantu Kumar, an electronics store owner in Patna, explains that setting the AC below 16 degrees can cause the evaporator to freeze, leading to complete damage. While the AC companies could technically allow temperatures below 16 degrees, it would result in customer losses. Therefore, it is recommended to maintain the AC temperature between 20 to 24 degrees for optimal cooling.
पटना में A.C की ठंडक में समय गुजारते हुए लोगों को पता चलता है कि A.C का तापमान 16 डिग्री से नीचे नहीं जा सकता है। इसकी वजह से आदमी के स्वास्थ्य पर प्रतिकूल प्रभाव पड़ सकता है और एयर कंडीशनर को खराब भी हो सकता है। इसलिए लोगों को यह ध्यान में रखना चाहिए कि A.C को 20 से 24 डिग्री के बीच ही रखना चाहिए।