Working for a Marketing Company
A group of young women revealed that they work for a marketing company and were busy with their work when suddenly late at night, the police arrived. They were taken aback when the police started misbehaving with them and forcefully took them away without listening to their side of the story.
Unlawful Treatment by Police
The young women shared that the police treated them poorly and did not give them a chance to explain themselves. They were taken away without any valid reason and were subjected to disrespectful behavior by the authorities.
Violation of Rights
The incident highlighted a violation of the women’s rights as they were taken by the police without proper justification. Their voices were not heard, and they were treated unfairly despite being innocent and simply working for a marketing company.
Need for Justice
There is a need for justice in such cases where individuals are mistreated by the authorities. The young women deserve an apology and a fair investigation into the incident to ensure that such violations do not occur in the future.
युवतियों ने बताया कि वे मार्केटिंग कंपनी के लिए काम करती हैं, लेकिन देर रात पुलिस ने उनके साथ बुरा बर्ताव करते हुए बिना उनका पक्ष जाने जबरन सभी को ले जाया।