Voting for Eastern and Western Champaran Lok Sabha seats on May 25

Under the sixth phase, voting for the Eastern and Western Champaran Lok Sabha seats will take place on May 25. Due to the elections, the border between India and Nepal will remain closed for the next three days. Security forces have increased vigilance in border areas between India and Nepal, with thorough checks on vehicles coming from Nepal.

Challenges in conducting peaceful elections

While security forces are ensuring peaceful elections despite the open border, conducting elections in a peaceful manner poses a challenge. Areas like Pantoka, Dhupwatola, Mahadeva, Sahadeva, Mushaharwa, Bhelahi, among others, are under 24-hour surveillance by the SSB personnel.

Border seal 60 hours before elections

60 hours before the elections, the India-Nepal border will be sealed. Both countries’ soldiers will remain deployed at the border until the elections are completed. Additionally, a large number of Indian workers in Nepal will be allowed to enter India only after showing their identification cards on voting day.

Border seal timings and security measures

The border will remain sealed from 6 am on May 23 until 6 pm on May 25, as confirmed by the District Magistrate of Nepal, Dinesh Sagar Bhushal. This measure aims to ensure the smooth conduct of elections and maintain security in the region.

छठे चरण के तहत पूर्वी चंपारण व पश्चिम चंपारण लोकसभा सीट के लिए 25 मई को वोटिंग होनी है। चुनाव को देखते हुए अगले तीन दिनों तक भारत व नेपाल की सीमा बंद रहेगी और सुरक्षाबलों की चौकसी बढ़ा दी गई है। नेपाल से आने वाले वाहनों की जांच की जा रही है और बॉर्डर होगा सील चुनाव के 60 घंटे पहले। भारतीय कामगारों को मतदान के दिन अपना पहचान पत्र दिखाने के बाद ही भारत में प्रवेश करने दिया जाएगा।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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