Patanjali Ayurvedacharya Bhuvanesh Pandey on Benefits of Peepal Leaves in Summer
For the past 40 years, practicing Ayurvedacharya Bhuvanesh Pandey has highlighted the benefits of using peepal leaves in combination with sheesham and bel leaves during the hot summer months. He explains that by using these leaves together, one can find relief from issues such as leucorrhea, excessive sweating, heat rashes, acidity, and nosebleeds even in scorching heat.
Effective Solution for Summer Health Problems
The combination of peepal, sheesham, and bel leaves has proven to be highly effective in addressing various health problems that arise during the summer season. These leaves provide a cooling effect on the body and help in combating issues like leucorrhea, excessive sweating, acidity, and nosebleeds. By incorporating these leaves into one’s daily routine, individuals can experience relief from these common summer ailments.
In Short, Ayurvedacharya Bhuvanesh Pandey emphasizes the importance of utilizing natural remedies like peepal, sheesham, and bel leaves to address health issues during the summer months. By making use of these leaves, individuals can find relief from various ailments and maintain their well-being even in the sweltering heat.
पिछले 40 वर्षों से पतंजलि में चिकित्सक के रूप में कार्यरत आयुर्वेदाचार्य भुवनेश पांडे ने बताया कि गर्मियों में पीपल के पत्तों का उपयोग शीशम तथा बेल के पत्तों के साथ किया जाएं, तो चिलचिलाती धूप में भी शरीर को शीतलता के साथ लिकोरिया, व्हाइट डिस्चार्ज, अत्यधिक पसीने की समस्या, पित्त तथा नकसीर जैसी समस्याओं से पूर्णतः राहत मिलती है. गर्मी में होने वाली स्वास्थ्य संबंधी समस्याओं के निवारण हेतु पीपल, शीशम तथा बेल के पत्ते बेहद कारगर हैं।