Abandoning a Friend at Chhotki Khargadiha Chowk

A youth abandoned his friend at Chhotki Khargadiha Chowk, as he rode off on a bike with his future wife and her friend. They travelled three kilometers to reach the dense Chandaniya jungle.

Reason for Leaving Friend Behind

The youth’s decision to leave his friend behind at Chhotki Khargadiha Chowk remains unclear. Perhaps he prioritized spending time with his future wife and her friend over his friend.

Destination: Chandaniya Jungle

The trio eventually reached the Chandaniya jungle, located three kilometers away from Chhotki Khargadiha Chowk. The jungle’s dense foliage provided a secluded spot for the youth and his companions to spend time together.

Outcome of the Journey

It is unknown what transpired during the time spent in the Chandaniya jungle. The youth’s actions of abandoning his friend at the chowk and taking his future wife and her friend to the jungle raise questions about his priorities and loyalty to his friendship.

एक युवक ने अपने दोस्त को छोड़ दिया और बाइक पर भावी पत्नी और उसकी सहेली को लेकर चौक से तीन किलोमीटर दूर चंदनिया घनघोर जंगल पहुंच गया। इस घटना ने चौक की लोगों में चर्चा का विषय बना।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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