Conviction of 5 Accused in Nisar Khan Murder Case
The local civil court in Sheikhpura sentenced 5 accused in the infamous Nisar Khan murder case to life imprisonment and a fine of Rs. 10,000 each on Friday. The judgment came after a lengthy trial, hearing witness testimonies, and arguments from both sides. District Judge Pawan. B mentioned that the incident took place on January 6, 2022, during a land survey conducted by the Land Revenue Department in Ariari village.
Details of the Murder
During the survey, a dispute arose over land ownership between the department officials and farmers, leading to the fatal shooting of 55-year-old farmer Nisar Khan by criminals. The incident occurred in broad daylight when the victim was staking his claim on the land. Following the murder, the victim’s son Isphak Khan filed a complaint at the Ariari police station, accusing 6 individuals of his father’s murder.
Verdict and Arrest
Out of the 5 accused convicted by the court on May 20, including residents of Ariari village ★Manubar Khan, Ishryal Khan, Ilyas Khan, Munsif Khan, and Naushad Khan from Nawada district, have been sent to Sheikhpura jail under strict police surveillance. Another accused in the murder case is currently undergoing trial in court. The convicted individuals will serve their life sentences and pay the prescribed fine as per the court’s orders.
शेखपुरा के चर्चित निसार खान हत्या कांड में 5 आरोपियों को शुक्रवार को स्थानीय सिविल कोर्ट ने आजीवन कारावास और 10-10 हजार रुपए की अर्थदंड की सजा सुनाई है। इस हत्या मामले में भूमि बंदोबस्ती विभाग के कर्मचारियों के बीच भूमि विवाद के दौरान निसार खान को गोली मारकर हत्या कर दी गई थी। आरोपियों को कोर्ट ने दोषी करार दिया है और उन्हें जेल भेज दिया गया है।