Beat the Heat with Sattu

As the summer heat peaks, it becomes difficult for people to go out for work. Heat strokes are a common concern during this time. One simple and cost-effective way to deal with this is by drinking a thin mixture of sattu. Sattu, which was once unfamiliar to Hindi-speaking people, has now gained popularity in almost all North Indian states. Many people grind roasted chickpeas into a powder and consume it as sattu. While this may not be harmful, the authentic taste of sattu is best experienced in its original form.

Preparation Process of Sattu

The process of making sattu involves soaking desi chickpeas for at least half an hour, followed by air-drying them overnight. The chickpeas are then roasted in sand instead of salt in Bihar and Eastern Uttar Pradesh. After roasting, the chickpeas are cleaned thoroughly to remove any sand particles. Traditional grinding mills known as ‘jant’ are used to grind the chickpeas into a fine powder. It is important to ensure that no stone or dust particles are left in the sattu to maintain its quality.

Health Benefits and Consumption of Sattu

According to Vaidya Pandit Achyut Tripathi, sattu is rich in protein and can also provide calcium if consumed with the husk. Mixing sattu with water and adding finely chopped onions, roasted cumin, green mangoes, and mint chutney enhances its taste. Sattu can be consumed by mixing it with water or adding a sweetener for a refreshing drink. Tripathi suggests that consuming sattu with water can help prevent dehydration during the summer. Various brands in Bengal have popularized sattu, with many people opting for chickpea powder instead of traditional sattu for its convenience.

गर्मी के मौसम में लू लगने का खतरा बढ़ता है, लेकिन इस समस्या से निपटने के लिए बहुत से उपाय सुझाए जा रहे हैं। सत्तू एक सस्ता और सरल उपाय है जिसे बनाने के लिए देशी चने को भिगोकर भूनना होता है। सत्तू का घोल बनाकर पीने से लू से बचाव में मदद मिलती है और यह भोजपुरी इलाकों में खूब रहा है। वैद्य पं. अच्युत त्रिपाठी की मान्यता के अनुसार, सत्तू में प्रोटीन और कैल्शियम होता है जो शरीर के लिए फायदेमंद है।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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