Regular Inspection of Private Schools in West Champaran
District Education Officer Rajneekant Praveen has ordered regular inspections of private schools in West Champaran, similar to government schools. This decision comes after directions from the department’s Additional Chief Secretary KK Pathak. A total of 22 points will be checked in all private schools across the district on a daily basis. The inspections will cover various aspects including RTE compliance and other criteria.
Compulsory Free Enrollment of 25% Children in Private Schools
According to the Right to Education Act, it is mandatory for private schools to enroll 25% of children in the initial classes free of cost. The inspections will not only focus on the number of students but also their attendance. Unlike government schools where inspections are conducted twice a day, private schools will be inspected once a day. The inspections will cover everything from registration to toilet facilities.
Over 700 Private Schools in the District
There are reportedly over 700 private schools operating in the district. The inspections will also assess the availability of classrooms, boundaries, sports facilities, playgrounds, teacher qualifications, and their numbers. Additionally, facilities such as toilets, water supply, and other amenities will be checked. The inspections will also evaluate the land and school management.
Thorough Assessment of Private Schools
The inspections aim to ensure that private schools in West Champaran meet the necessary standards set by the education department. With a focus on quality education and facilities, the authorities are working towards improving the overall educational environment in the district. By conducting regular inspections, the district education officer hopes to enhance the quality of education provided in private schools.
पश्चिम चंपारण में जिला शिक्षा पदाधिकारी रजनीकांत प्रवीण ने सरकारी स्कूलों की तरह निजी स्कूलों की भी नियमित जांच करने का आदेश दिया है। इस जांच में 22 बिंदुओं पर आधारित होगी, जिसमें शौचालय से लेकर शिक्षकों की संख्या तक की जांच शामिल होगी। इसके साथ ही प्रारंभिक कक्षा में 25% बच्चों का निशुल्क नामांकन होना अनिवार्य है। इस जांच के तहत विद्यालयों के रजिस्ट्रेशन, शौचालय, शिक्षकों की संख्या, खेल की सुविधा और अन्य सुविधाओं की जांच की जाएगी। जिले में 700 से अधिक निजी विद्यालय हैं, जिनकी जांच नियमित रूप से होगी।