Manish Ranjan did not appear before the Department of Personnel and Training on Friday.
Manish Ranjan was supposed to be present at the ED office at 11 am, but he sent a letter to the agency requesting a three-week extension.
Reason for Non-Appearance
It is not clear why Manish Ranjan requested an extension and did not appear before the Department of Personnel and Training as scheduled.
Implications of Non-Appearance
Manish Ranjan’s failure to appear before the Department of Personnel and Training may have consequences for his current position or future prospects within the agency.
Next Steps
It remains to be seen how the Department of Personnel and Training will respond to Manish Ranjan’s request for an extension and what actions they may take as a result of his non-appearance.
आईएएस मनीष रंजन ने शुक्रवार को प्रवर्तन निदेशालय के सामने पेश नहीं हुए। उन्हें दिन के 11 बजे ईडी ऑफिस में उपस्थित होना था, लेकिन उन्होंने पत्र भेजकर एजेंसी से तीन हफ्ते का समय मांगा है। इससे प्रक्रिया में देरी हो गई है।