Boost in Farming Activities
The recent rainfall in the district has brought smiles to the faces of farmers as they are now actively preparing their fields for the Kharif season. The Agriculture Department has also started preparations for the Kharif Mahotsav, scheduled for May 27. Crops like corn, moong, vegetables, mango, and litchi have benefited from the rain, and seeds for crops like rice, lentils, millet, corn, sorghum, and pearl millet have been sown.
Focus on Major Crops
This year, there is a strong emphasis on the cultivation of major grains (Sri Anna) under the Kharif crop. Farmers have been selected in various blocks of the district for direct sowing in clusters of major grains. The government has provided subsidized rice-pulse seeds to farmers through the district seed distributor. The distribution targets have been set for various crops like rice, lentils, millet, corn, sorghum, pearl millet, and foxtail millet.
Shift in Crop Targets
There has been a change in the crop targets this year, with a reduction in the area for rice cultivation and an increase in targets for major grains like corn and millet. Last year, rice was cultivated in 1.3 lakh hectares in the district, but this year the focus has shifted to corn and millet. The target area for millet has been increased by 1386.328 hectares and for corn by 652.73 hectares.
Preparation Under Mahotsav Campaign
The District Agriculture Officer, Vipin Bihar Sinha, mentioned that preparations have begun for various crops under the Kharif Mahotsav campaign. Farmers are being educated about the cultivation of major grains (Sri Anna) and have been selected for direct sowing in clusters. The targets for intercropping of other crops under Kharif have also been set, and seeds are being distributed to different blocks in the district.
जिले में बुधवार की रात बारिश होने से किसानों के चेहरे खिल गए। किसान खरीफ फसल के लिए अपनी खेत तैयार करने में जुट गए हैं। बारिश से खेतों में लगे मक्का, मूंग, सब्जी, आम और लीची की फसलों को फायदा पहुंचा है। कृषि विभाग ने खरीफ के तहत धान, अरहर, मरुआ, मक्का, ज्वार और बाजरा सहित अन्य फसलों के बीज बुआई की तैयारी शुरू कर दी है। इस बार खरीफ फसल के तहत मोटे अनाज (श्री अन्न) की खेती पर जोर दिया जा रहा है। खरीफ के तहत अन्य फसलों के बीज के लिए भी लक्ष्य निर्धारित किया गया है।