Boycott of Voting Outside the Village

Under the Rahui Panchayat of Nalanda, residents of two wards in the Utranama Panchayat have decided to boycott voting this time due to the lack of roads. On Saturday, the villagers expressed their anger by putting up a banner outside the village. It reads that the villagers do not have basic facilities as there is no proper road to reach the Devi temple. This causes difficulties for people, especially during weddings and religious ceremonies.

Lack of Basic Amenities

Residents claim that in Ward No. 2 and Ward No. 3 of Sulemanpur village, even drainage work has not been completed. This leads to waterlogging issues as the population of around 900 people in both wards is deprived of basic amenities. The lack of proper roads and drainage systems makes it difficult for people to travel, especially to the Devi temple.

Demand for a Bridge over the Dadar River

Villagers are demanding the construction of a bridge over the Dadar River to reduce the distance to Rahui Bazaar. Currently, villagers have to travel about 3 kilometers to reach the market. If a bridge is built, the distance would be reduced to just 1 kilometer, making it easier for residents to access the market and agricultural lands on the other side of the river.

Ignored Requests for Infrastructure Development

Despite several appeals to local and district representatives, no action has been taken to address the villagers’ concerns. The lack of attention to basic infrastructure development has led to frustrations among the residents, who continue to face challenges in accessing essential services and facilities.

बाहर वोट बहिष्कार का लगाया गया बैनरनालंदा के रहुई प्रखंड अंतर्गत उतरनामा पंचायत के 2 वार्डों में सड़क नहीं रहने के कारण ग्रामीणों ने इस बार वोट बहिष्कार का निर्णय लिया है। ग्रामीणों ने अपनी नाराजगी व्यक्त करते हुए गांव के बाहर एक बैनर लगाया है, जिसमें यह लिखा है कि ग्राम सुलेमानपुर के वार्ड नंबर-2 और वार्ड नंबर-3 में सड़क की समस्या के कारण ग्रामीणों को मूलभूत सुविधाओं से वंचित रहना पड़ रहा है। उन्होंने दादर नदी पर पुल बनाने की मांग की है ताकि उन्हें दूरी कम करने में मदद मिल सके। इसके अलावे, उन्होंने यह भी कहा है कि जनप्रतिनिधियों ने इन मुद्दों को लेकर कोई कार्यवाही नहीं की है।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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