Increasing Interest in Mushroom Production

Now, not only farmers but also common people can cultivate mushrooms at a low cost to earn profits. It is not necessary to have agricultural land to grow mushrooms, as even those with just 10 to 20 dhur of land around their homes can also engage in mushroom cultivation. The Horticulture Directorate of the Agriculture Department has come up with a good plan for both farmers and the general public. According to Amarjeet Kumar Rai, Assistant Director of the Horticulture Directorate in Patna, approval has been granted for two schemes related to mushroom cultivation, with funding ranging from 50 to 90 percent. Both farmers and the general public can benefit from this scheme, and the application process has already begun.

100 Mushroom Kits to be Provided

For the financial year 2024-25, approval has been given for the Mushroom Hut and Mushroom Kit scheme. The Mushroom Hut scheme is for farmers with agricultural land, providing a 50 percent subsidy, while the Mushroom Kit scheme is for common people without agricultural land, offering a 90 percent subsidy. In Patna district, the goal this time is to create 25 huts, compared to 12 huts last year. The authorities have noted increasing interest among farmers in this scheme, leading to an increased target of 13 additional huts this time. To build a mushroom hut, a space of 50 feet in length and 30 feet in width is required.

Empowerment through Mushroom Cultivation

Farmers with agricultural land will receive a 50 percent subsidy for building a mushroom hut, while a 90 percent subsidy will be provided for mushroom kits. The total cost of a hut is Rs. 1,79,500, out of which a 50 percent subsidy will be given. This means farmers will only have to spend Rs. 89,750 to build a hut. For those without agricultural land, mushroom kits will be provided at a cost of Rs. 60 per kit, with a 90 percent subsidized rate of just Rs. 6 per piece. The target this time is to distribute 23,000 kits, compared to 15,000 kits last year, with each person receiving 100 kits. By taking advantage of this scheme, people can achieve an average production of 100 to 150 kilograms and earn profits ranging from Rs. 20,000 to Rs. 30,000 with an investment of Rs. 600.

पटना में अब किसान के साथ आम लोग भी मशरूम की खेती करके कम लागत में खाने और मुनाफा कमाने के लिए तैयार हैं। यह योजना किसानों के साथ-साथ आमलोगों के लिए भी बहुत ही लाभदायक है। उद्यान निदेशालय के अनुसार, इस बार 25 हट बनाने का लक्ष्य है और इसके लिए अनुदान भी दिया जा रहा है। इस योजना से लोग 100 से 150 किलो तक की उत्पादन करके 20 से 30 हजार रुपये तक की कमाई कर सकेंगे।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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