Children Faint Due to Heat in Jumui
Ten children from the same school in Jumui fainted due to heat and humidity, while two other children from a different school also fainted due to the heat. Teachers rushed all the children to the hospital for primary treatment. Currently, all the children are stable and have been sent home.
Chaos in School Premises
The incident of ten children fainting in the same school premises created a chaotic atmosphere. The unconscious children are from Kanya Madhy Vidyalaya in Malaypur village of Barhat Block and Utkramit Madhy Vidyalaya in Chouhangadh. The students from Kanya Madhy Vidyalaya who fainted due to heat include Bhawani Kumari, Sanam Kumari, Shivani Kumari, Sanjana Kumari, Kumkum Kumari, Anniya Kumari, Neha Kumari, and Rupa Kumari. Abdul Sadam and Swastik Kumar from Utkramit Madhy Vidyalaya were also affected by the heat.
Struggling with the Heat
The headmaster of Kanya Madhy Vidyalaya, Uttam Kumar Tiwari, mentioned that the children are fainting due to temperatures reaching 43 to 45 degrees Celsius. Water is being poured on the roof two to three times during class time to prevent the heat, but it has not been effective. Even two female teachers, Sweety and Seema, fainted due to the heat. The principal of Utkramit Madhy Vidyalaya stated that the intense heat is making it difficult for children to tolerate, leading to two more children fainting at the school today.
जमुई में गर्मी और उमस से एक ही स्कूल के 10 बच्चे और दो और बच्चे बेहोश हो गए, जिससे एक स्कूल में अफरा-तफरी का माहौल बन गया। शिक्षकों ने सभी को अस्पताल में भर्ती कराया, जहां प्राथमिक उपचार के बाद सभी को घर भेज दिया गया। गर्मी से परेशान छात्राएं छत पर पानी डालने के बावजूद बेहोश हो रही हैं, जिससे शिक्षकों और छात्रों को भी गर्मी की चपेट में आने का खतरा है।