Heatwave Continues in Muzaffarpur
The scorching heatwave in Muzaffarpur has put innocent children at risk of Acute Encephalitis Syndrome (AES). A large number of children are falling sick, leading to an increase in the number of patients in both government and private hospitals. Most children are experiencing symptoms like diarrhea, vomiting, dehydration, and fever.
Increased Health Risks
Dr. Rajiv Kumar, a pediatric specialist, highlighted the rising temperatures causing distress among children. Common complaints among children include cold, cough, and vomiting. Parents are advised to give children lukewarm milk instead of cold milk, avoid leftovers, and provide ORS solution regularly to prevent dehydration.
Preventive Measures
Parents should avoid bathing children multiple times a day and cover their heads when taking them out in the sun. If necessary, children can wear sunglasses to protect their eyes from harmful UV rays. It is crucial to keep children hydrated and avoid exposure to extreme heat to prevent heat-related illnesses.
Stay Safe During the Heatwave
As the heatwave continues, it is essential to take precautions to protect children from heat-related illnesses. By following these preventive measures, parents can ensure the well-being of their children during the hot summer months in Muzaffarpur.
मुजफ्फरपुर में भी गर्मी का कहर जारी है और भीषण गर्मी से जिले के मासूम बच्चों में AES का खतरा बढ़ रहा है। बच्चों में डायरिया, उल्टी, दस्त जैसी बीमारियाँ हो रही हैं और इसके लिए डॉक्टर ने बताया कि बच्चों को हल्का गर्म दूध पिलाना चाहिए। बच्चों को नहलाने के लिए भी कुछ सुरक्षा उपाय अपनाने की सलाह दी गई है। इससे बच्चों को गर्मी से होने वाली परेशानियों से बचाया जा सकेगा।