Shift towards Cash Crops
Due to the unpredictable weather conditions, farmers are now looking for alternative options in agriculture. The government departments have also become aware of this and are implementing various schemes. Farmers in Bihar are now focusing more on cash crops, especially fruit cultivation, which is proving to be more attractive to them. The government is also promoting fruit cultivation to boost the agricultural sector.
Subsidies for Fruit Cultivation
To promote fruit cultivation, farmers are being provided with subsidies. In recent years, there has been an increasing trend among farmers in Gaya towards fruit orchards, resulting in better income. Under the Dry Horticulture Scheme, cultivation of amla, apple, guava, and lemon is being encouraged. The Bihar government is providing 50% subsidy to farmers for fruit cultivation in Gaya district.
Encouraging Dry Fruit Cultivation
Through the Dry Horticulture Scheme, targets have been set for amla, apple, guava, and lemon cultivation in Gaya district. This scheme will motivate farmers to engage in dry fruit cultivation, enabling them to increase production even in low rainfall areas. Farmers can apply for subsidies online through the Department of Horticulture’s website if they wish to venture into fruit orchards and benefit from government schemes.
गया में मौसम की बेरूखी के कारण किसान अब नकदी फसलों की खेती पर ज्यादा ध्यान दे रहे हैं। इस बदलते परिदृश्य को ध्यान में रखते हुए विभाग ने फलों की खेती को बढ़ावा देने के लिए कई योजनाएं चलाई हैं। गया के किसानों को आंवला, एप्पल बेर, अमरुद और नींबू की खेती के लिए अनुदान भी दिया जा रहा है, जिससे किसानों को बेहतर आय की संभावना है। इस योजना के तहत पौधों की लागत का 50 फीसदी या अधिकतम 50 हजार रुपया प्रति हेक्टेयर सब्सिडी भी दी जाएगी। इससे किसानों को फलों की खेती करने के लिए प्रेरित किया जा रहा है।