Madhubani: The Matchmaker of Bihar
They say that relationships are made in heaven, but the means to create those relationships are found right here on earth. In Madhubani, Shadi Ram, also known as Ghatkaraj, has become a renowned matchmaker, having facilitated over a thousand marriages so far and still counting.
A Unique Passion for Matchmaking
Shadi Ram, a resident of Madhubani, has taken on the unique task of arranging marriages for those in need. With a goal of arranging 2121 marriages, he provides guidance and assistance to those seeking suitable matches, ensuring that each marriage is conducted without any dowry.
Creating Bonds Without Boundaries
Ghatkaraj has been tirelessly working as a marriage bureau since 1988, with a commitment to arranging marriages without any fees. With a track record of successfully arranging dowry-free marriages, his efforts have not only strengthened societal bonds but also helped in empowering the underprivileged by sponsoring weddings for 14 girls from his own pocket.
मधुबनी के शादीराम उर्फ घटकराज ने अजब कारनामा किया है, जिन्होंने अब तक 914 से अधिक शादियां करवाई हैं और उनका लक्ष्य 2121 शादियां करने का है। वे दहेजमुक्त शादियां करवाते हैं और विवाह के बाद भी कोई कंसल्टेंट फीस नहीं लेते, सिर्फ स्वेच्छा से भुगतान करने की अनुमति देते हैं। इनके मिशन का हिस्सा अभी तक 14 गरीब बच्चियों का विवाह करना भी है।