Dengue Awareness Rally in Begusarai
Officials, employees, and school students associated with vector-borne disease control took out a rally today at the Begusarai district headquarters to raise awareness about the increasing threat of dengue. The rally, which started from Omar Balika High School and passed through Women’s College, Kali Sthan Chowk, saw students carrying boards in one hand to raise awareness among people, while chanting slogans on the other hand to alert everyone. Awareness is the key to prevention during the dengue season, as the disease is transmitted through infected Aedes mosquitoes that breed in stagnant water.
Prevention Tips Shared During the Rally
Students participating in the awareness rally emphasized the importance of using mosquito repellents during the day, wearing full-body covering clothes, and using mosquito repellent lotions. They also advised against letting water accumulate in broken containers, coolers, ACs, fridge water trays, water tanks, pots, flower pots, and in and around the house. Adding oil or insecticide to stagnant water, taking paracetamol for high fever, and seeking immediate medical attention in case of illness were also highlighted as preventive measures.
Urging Prompt Medical Attention
Deputy Mayor Anita Rai, who participated in the rally, appealed to seek immediate medical help in case of high fever accompanied by body aches, headache, eye pain, joint pain, skin rash, bleeding along with fever, nose, gums, or blood behind the eyes. Students also requested shopkeepers and mall managers to ensure that containers and cartons are not left out to collect water, as these can become breeding grounds for mosquitoes.
डेंगू के बढ़ते खतरे को देखते हुए बेगूसराय जिला मुख्यालय में वेक्टर जनित रोग नियंत्रण से जुड़े अधिकारी, कर्मचारी और स्कूली छात्र-छात्राओं ने जन जागरूकता के लिए रैली निकाली। रैली में छात्र-छात्राएं ने डेंगू से बचाव के उपायों को बताया और लोगों को जागरूक करने के लिए अपील की। उन्होंने बताया कि मच्छरदानी का उपयोग करें, कपड़े पहनें, और घर के आसपास पानी जमने नहीं दें। उन्होंने तेज बुखार के लक्षणों के बारे में भी जागरूकता फैलाई और बीमार होने पर तुरंत अस्पताल जाने की सलाह दी।