Illegal Sand Mining in Kishanganj
Illegal sand mining is being carried out on several sand ghats in Kishanganj. The district administration is conducting continuous raids. Under the leadership of SDPO Mangalesh Kumar, SDM Latifpur Rahman, and officials from the mining department, a joint raid campaign has been launched against illegal sand mining.
Seizure of Tractor
During this operation, a tractor loaded with illegal sand was seized from the Satmeri Ghat on the Chhattargachh Dok river. Along with this, the tractor driver was also arrested. The arrested driver was brought to the Chhattargachh police camp by the camp in-charge Raju Kumar, after which further action was taken and the arrested individual was sent to the Pahadkatta Thana.
Raid and Seizure
SDPO Mangalesh Kumar received confidential information about illegal sand mining being carried out from the Chhattargachh Dok river Satmeri Ghat. SDM Latifpur Rahman Ansari and mining department officials conducted a raid at the site with the Chhattargachh police and armed forces. The mining officials mentioned that there were more sand traders present who managed to escape upon seeing the police vehicle, but the police have taken further action based on the seized tractor.
Escape of Sand Traders
Although several sand traders managed to escape upon seeing the police vehicle, the authorities are actively pursuing the case based on the seized tractor. The joint raid campaign against illegal sand mining in Kishanganj continues to crack down on such activities to protect the environment and natural resources.
किशनगंज के कई बालू घाटों पर अवैध रूप से खनन किया जा रहा है और इसके खिलाफ जिला प्रशासन लगातार छापेमारी कर रहा है। एसडीपीओ मंगलेश कुमार, एसडीएम लतीफपुर रहमान की अध्यक्षता और खनन विभाग के पदाधिकारी द्वारा अवैध बालू के खिलाफ संयुक्त छापेमारी अभियान चलाया गया है। इस अभियान के दौरान छत्तरगाछ डोक नदी सतमेरी घाट से अवैध बालू लदा एक ट्रैक्टर को जब्त किया गया और एक ट्रैक्टर चालक को भी गिरफ्तार किया गया। गिरफ्तार चालक को छत्तरगाछ पुलिस कैंप प्रभारी राजू कुमार द्वारा पुलिस कैंप लाया गया है और उसे पहाड़कट्टा थाना भेज दिया गया है। एसडीपीओ मंगलेश कुमार ने बताया कि उन्हें गुप्त सूचना मिली थी और उन्होंने इसके खिलाफ कार्रवाई शुरू की थी।