Bihar Board Intermediate Third Merit List Released Today
The Bihar Board will release the third merit list for enrollment in the Intermediate session 2024-26 today. After the release of the list, the enrollment process will begin. Students included in the list will enroll by 8th August. The Board has stated that based on the third selection list, information about spot admissions will also be provided.
Students Not Included in Third Merit List Need Not Worry
Students who are not included in the third merit list need not worry. Those not included in the third merit list should wait for the admission process based on the third list to be completed. During this time, students can check the third cut-off.
Admission Process After Third List Completion
It is clear that the options filled by students for various institutions and subjects have a cut-off higher than the students’ cut-off. Information about spot admissions will be provided later after the completion of the admission process based on the third list. If selected students do not take admission in the allotted institutions, their names will be removed from the OFSS system for the current session.
Enrollment in Allotted Institutions
While applying for enrollment, students were charged Rs. 350. The Board has instructed all institutions that after the enrollment of students in the first, second, and third lists, the total number of students enrolled will be in their institutions. Based on the total number of students, the committee will send the total amount to those institutions at the rate of two hundred rupees per enrolled student. According to the third list, students’ enrollment in allotted institutions is to be done from 5th to 8th August.
बिहार बोर्ड इंटरमीडिएट (सत्र 2024★26) में नामांकन के लिए आज सोमवार को थर्ड मेरिट लिस्ट जारी की जाएगी। इसके बाद नामांकन प्रक्रिया शुरू हो जाएगी। सूची में शामिल छात्र 5 से 8 अगस्त तक नामांकन लेंगे। बोर्ड ने कहा है कि तृतीय चयन सूची के आधार पर 8 अगस्त.स्पॉट एडमिशन की भी जानकारी मिलेगी। थर्ड लिस्ट के एडमिशन प्रक्रिया समाप्त होने के बाद स्पॉट एडमिशन के संबंध में बाद में जानकारी दी जाएगी। आवंटित संस्थानों में होगा नामांकन।