car driving safety tips : अपनी गाड़ी की मेंटेनेंस पर ध्यान दें, जानलेवा हो सकती है 5 ऐसी खराबियां जो आपके परिवार या कार में बैठे अन्य लोगों को नुकसान पहुंचा सकती है

Car Breakdown: A Dangerous Situation

During car driving, there are often faults that we never think about. These faults can sometimes be the cause of accidents. While most car owners pay attention to the maintenance of their cars and promptly service or repair any issues, there is still no guarantee of when parts might malfunction or suddenly stop working. These faults can occur on their own or due to negligence. They can be dangerous for you and potentially life-threatening for your family or other passengers in the car. Today, we will discuss a car breakdown that can not only be dangerous for those inside the car but can also cause harm to others on the road.

Surviving a Brake Failure

In the event of sudden brake failure, it becomes difficult to control the car, and an accident is almost certain. However, if you find yourself in this situation, use a little presence of mind to bring the car to a halt easily. Let us tell you how to survive a brake failure situation:

  • Immediately remove your foot from the accelerator when the brakes fail.
  • Quickly shift the car into a lower gear. This will reduce the speed of the car.
  • While doing this, move away from traffic and bring the car to the side of the road before stopping it.
  • Change the gears, reaching the first gear, as it has the lowest speed.
  • Slowly engage the handbrake. Do not pull it too quickly as it can cause the car to skid. The handbrake works even when the car’s normal brakes fail because it is attached with a wire in most cars.
  • After the car has come to a stop, do not attempt to drive it and have it towed to a service station.

Causes of Brake Failure

Brake failure in a car is usually caused by a leak or a cut in the brake oil line. Although this is rare, if the pressure of the brake oil does not build up and the cut line starts to leak when you press the brake pedal, the brakes stop working. This can happen due to a sharp object hitting the line or rodents chewing on it. It is important to regularly inspect your car and if you notice any signs of oil leakage at the parking spot, immediately get it checked by a mechanic.

★Car breakdowns can be dangerous and life-threatening for both the occupants of the car and others on the road.
★In the event of brake failure, there are steps you can take to bring the car to a halt safely.
★Removing your foot from the accelerator, shifting to a lower gear, and moving away from traffic are some measures that can help.
★Brake failure is usually caused by a leak or a cut in the brake oil line, which can be detected through regular car inspections.

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