Important Demand to Reduce GST on Two-Wheelers

In a significant development, the Federation of Automobile Dealers Associations (FADA) has urged the government to reduce the Goods and Services Tax (GST) rate from 28% to 18% on low-cost two-wheelers. The delegation, representing the vehicle dealer associations, stated that this sector has not yet recovered from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Speaking at an auto retail conclave, FADA President Manish Raj Singhania said that while there has been a 7% increase in overall vehicle sales, the entry-level two-wheeler segment has not witnessed significant growth.

Appeal to the Minister of Road Transport

Singhania stated that although the sales of two-wheelers have been steadily increasing, they are still 20% behind pre-COVID sales figures. He appealed to the Union Minister of Road Transport and Highways, Nitin Gadkari, who was present as the chief guest, to reduce the GST rate from 28% to 18% for the entry-level segment. This segment includes two-wheelers with engine capacities ranging from 100cc to 125cc. Singhania emphasized that such a policy adjustment would not only be an economic measure but also a social one, as this segment accounts for 75% of total auto sales.

Sales Figures

According to FADA’s data, the sales of two-wheelers during the current financial year from April to August stood at 65,15,914 units, showing a growth of 4.49% compared to 62,35,642 units sold during the same period last year. The total vehicle sales in all categories during this period were 91,97,045 units, representing a 6.75% increase from the previous financial year’s figure of 86,15,337 units.

Potential Decrease in Prices of 100cc and 125cc Bikes

If the government fulfills FADA’s demand and reduces the GST rate for the entry-level segment, it will directly impact the prices of 100cc and 125cc bikes, making them more affordable for consumers.

News Summary:

  • Federation of Automobile Dealers Associations (FADA) has urged the government to reduce the GST rate from 28% to 18% on low-cost two-wheelers.
  • FADA President Manish Raj Singhania appealed to the Union Minister of Road Transport and Highways, Nitin Gadkari, to consider the reduction in GST for the entry-level segment.
  • The sales of two-wheelers have shown a 7% increase overall, but the entry-level segment has not witnessed significant growth.
  • FADA’s data shows that the sales of two-wheelers from April to August this year have grown by 4.49%, with a total of 65,15,914 units sold.
  • If the GST rate is reduced, it will have a direct impact on the prices of 100cc and 125cc bikes, making them more affordable for consumers.

खबर हिंदी में भी समझिए

टू-व्हीलर वाहनों के खरीदारी में लोगों का रुझान बढ़ता जा रहा है। वाहन डीलर संघ (फाडा) ने कम कीमत वाले दोपहिया वाहनों पर जीएसटी दर को 28 से 18 प्रतिशत करने की मांग की है। वाहन डीलरों के अध्यक्ष मनीष राज सिंघानिया ने बताया कि कोविड-19 महामारी के प्रभाव से यह सेगमेंट अभी तक उबर नहीं पाया है। उन्होंने कहा कि दोपहिया वाहनों की सेल में 7 प्रतिशत की वृद्धि देखी गई है, लेकिन एंट्री लेवल सेगमेंट में वृद्धि नहीं हो रही है। सिंघानिया ने मांग की है कि एंट्री लेवल वाहनों के लिए जीएसटी दर को 28 से 18 प्रतिशत कर दिया जाए। उन्होंने बताया कि यह न केवल नीतिगत समायोजन होगा, बल्कि सामाजिक-आर्थिक उत्प्रेरक के रूप में कार्य करेगा। उन्होंने बताया कि यह सेगमेंट कुल ऑटो बिक्री मात्रा का 75 प्रतिशत है। एफएडीए के अनुसार, दोपहिया वाहनों की बिक्री में 4.49 प्रतिशत की वृद्धि देखी गई है। चालू वित्त वर्ष में कुल वाहन बिक्री 6.75 प्रतिशत की वृद्धि हुई है। अगर सरकार इस मांग को मानती है तो 100 और 125cc वाली बाइक्स पर इसका असर पड़ेगा।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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