
Tips to Keep Your Car Battery in Good Condition

Auto News Desk, There are many important components, including the battery, in a car, so turn the key and go. However, often you may still see some people pushing their cars even after starting them, and this is usually seen when the car battery is dead or drained. But if some things are kept in mind, such a problem can be avoided.

Do Not Install Local Battery

Whenever you install a battery in your car, make sure it is not a local one. Because nowadays there are many companies in the market and due to being cheaper, many people buy them. But later you will have to regret it when it doesn’t work properly and the car needs a push.

Keep It Running

If your car is used daily or frequently, then your car battery is absolutely fine. However, if your car has been parked for a long time, then there is a high chance of the battery getting discharged. To avoid this, try to start the car even after leaving it for a day or two.

Keep Battery Terminal Clean

Many times you may have seen that acid forms on the battery terminals, which causes the wires to corrode. This can be avoided by cleaning between them. In addition, if the terminal is loose, tighten it properly.

Check Distilled Water

Most batteries use distilled water, which tends to decrease over time. When you feel low, keep checking and topping it up. So that the battery continues to respond well and charges correctly.

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  • Important tips to maintain the car battery
  • Avoid installing local batteries
  • Start the car even if it has been parked for a while
  • Keep the battery terminals clean and tight
  • Regularly check and top up distilled water

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