In the Alinagar police station area of Darbhanga, a 12-year-old girl who was sexually assaulted became pregnant. The criminals forced her to have an abortion and threw the fetus in a pond. The police of the women’s station conducted a search and retrieved the fetus from the pond, wrapped it in clothes, and safely sent it to the DMCH (District Magistrate’s Cum Hospital) in a box.
The Deputy Station House Officer of the women’s station, Rekha Kumari, stated that a DNA test will be conducted on the fetus as per the court’s orders. The police promptly took action and arrested one accused, Radhasharan Dev alias BDO, while the remaining accused are still at large. It is reported that two months ago, the victim’s family approached the local Alinagar police station, but they did not register the case or gather any information. The villagers assured the victim’s family that the matter would be resolved at the panchayat level. However, when the panchayat ordered to resolve the heinous case by paying a mere 20,000 rupees, the situation worsened, and the entire police administration, including the local Alinagar police station, became involved.
The fetus, which was thrown into the pond after the abortion, was retrieved by the women’s station within 24 hours of registering the case, under the supervision of the Station House Officer Nusrat Jahan, and kept safely for a thorough investigation in the DMCH. One suspect in this incident has also been arrested.
Regarding this matter, the Deputy Station House Officer of the women’s station, Rekha Kumari, informed that with the cooperation of the Alinagar Station House Officer Mausam Kumari and their team, the fetus, which was thrown into the village pond after the victim’s abortion, was retrieved by the affected party members themselves. It has been kept safely, and a DNA test will be conducted as per the court’s orders.
दरभंगा के अलीनगर थाना क्षेत्र में एक 12 वर्षीय नाबालिग लड़की के साथ दुष्कर्म करने के बाद उसे गर्भवती कर दिया गया था। गर्भपात करने के बाद भ्रूण को तालाब में फेंक दिया गया था। महिला थाना की पुलिस ने तालाब से भ्रूण को निकालकर उसे एक डब्बे में सुरक्षित तरीके से रखा है। इस मामले में एक आरोपी गिरफ्तार किया गया है और कोर्ट के आदेश पर डीएनए (DNA) टेस्ट कराया जाएगा। महिला थाना की पुलिस ने तालाब से भ्रूण को निकालकर डीएमसीएच में सुरक्षित जांच के लिए रखवाया है।