Ranchi: The Income Tax Department’s raid at the addresses of Rajya Sabha MP Dhiraj Sahu in Jharkhand and Odisha is currently in its fifth day. During the past four days of the raid, a total of 176 bags containing currency notes have been seized. Out of these, 40 bags have already been counted, and the count for the remaining 136 bags is expected to be completed by late tonight. It is estimated that the total value of the seized notes will exceed 400 crores.

Seizure of Bags with Counterfeit Notes: Along with the confiscated currency, several bags filled with counterfeit notes have also been found during the raid at the IT officer’s properties. The total number of bags filled with counterfeit notes currently stands at 176.

Counting of Notes to be Completed Soon: While 40 bags have already been counted, the counting for the remaining 136 bags is expected to be completed by late tonight. If this happens, the total value of the seized notes is expected to surpass 400 crores.

Ongoing IT Raid: The raid at the properties of Rajya Sabha MP Dhiraj Sahu in Jharkhand and Odisha has been ongoing for the past five days. The raid has resulted in the seizure of a significant amount of currency, including both genuine and counterfeit notes. The counting of the seized notes is expected to be completed soon.

झारखंड और ओडिशा के सांसद धीरज साहू के ठिकानों पर आयकर विभाग के छापे का पांचवां दिन है। छापेमारी में कुल 176 बैग मिले हैं, जिनमें से 40 बैगों की गिनती हो चुकी है। बाकी बैगों की गिनती आज देर रात तक होने की उम्मीद है। इससे चार सौ करोड़ रुपये के आंकड़े जब्त होने की उम्मीद है। छापेमारी में बरामद नोटों से भरे बैगों की संख्या 176 हो चुकी है।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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