Jharkhand’s 45 laborers trapped in Saudi Arabia

The case of 45 laborers from Jharkhand being trapped in Saudi Arabia has come to light once again. Among the trapped laborers, 25 are from Vishnugarh in Hazaribagh district. The remaining laborers are from Giridih and Bokaro.

Previous instances of laborers being trapped in Saudi Arabia

This is not the first time that laborers from Jharkhand have faced such a situation in Saudi Arabia. In the past, there have been several cases where Jharkhand laborers were stranded in the country due to various reasons.

Struggles faced by trapped laborers

The laborers who are trapped in Saudi Arabia face numerous challenges. They are often subjected to exploitation, non-payment of wages, and poor living conditions. These laborers have left their homes in search of better opportunities, but unfortunately, find themselves in difficult situations in foreign countries.

Efforts to rescue the trapped laborers

The Indian government and various organizations are working towards rescuing the trapped laborers. Efforts are being made to establish contact with the Saudi Arabian authorities and ensure the safe return of these laborers to their home country. The plight of these laborers highlights the need for better protection and support for migrant workers.

झारखंड के 45 मजदूरों के सऊदी अरब में फंसने का मामला फिर सामने आया है। इन मजदूरों में से 25 हजारीबाग जिले के विष्णुगढ़ के हैं, जबकि बाकी मजदूर गिरिडीह और बोकारो के हैं।

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