Power Supply Disrupted in Samastipur District for 7 Hours Due to Maintenance Work

In the three blocks of Samastipur district, there will be a disruption in power supply for 7 hours. From Wednesday morning at 10:00 to evening at 5:00, maintenance work will be carried out at the Shahpur Patory 132kv grid substation. Assistant Engineer Sahitya Raj Bhola from the electricity department informed that due to this, there will be a disruption in power supply in the mentioned areas from 10:00 in the morning to 5:00 in the evening. He advised consumers to finish their necessary work related to electricity in the morning itself to avoid any inconvenience.

Power Supply Disruption in Four Power Houses of Samastipur District

Expressing regret for the inconvenience caused by the disruption in power supply, JE Ravi Shankar Kumar stated that efforts will be made to restore electricity as soon as possible. He mentioned that maintenance work is scheduled at the Shahpur Patory 132kv grid substation. This substation supplies electricity to the Patory Power House, Berry Power House, Mohiuddinnagar Power House, and Dhamoun Power House. However, due to the maintenance work, no power supply will be provided to these four power houses.

Complete Power Supply Disruption in Mohanpur and Dharamo Villages

In the Mohanpur block, there will be a complete disruption in power supply, and in the five panchayats of Dharamo village in the Patory block, power supply will also be completely disrupted. If electricity is obtained from the Jandaha electricity substation of the supply-rich district, it will be demanded for Patory city. Similarly, electricity will be demanded for Mohiuddinnagar block from the Dalsinghsarai grid substation. If obtained, power service will continue in these areas.

समस्तीपुर जिले के तीन प्रखंड क्षेत्रों में 7 घंटे तक बिजली आपूर्ति बाधित रहेगी क्योंकि शाहपुर पटोरी 132kv ग्रिड उप केंद्र का लाइन मेंटेनेंस कार्य होने जा रहा है। बिजली विभाग के असिस्टेंट इंजीनियर ने उपभोक्ताओं को सूचित किया है कि वे इस अवधि में अपने आवश्यक कार्यों को निपटा लें ताकि कोई असुविधा ना हो। इसके चलते चारों पॉवर हाउस में बिजली नहीं रहेगी और उपभोक्ताओं को इसके लिए खेद प्रकट करते हुए बताया गया है कि बिजली जल्द से जल्द बहाल की जाएगी। मोहनपुर प्रखंड में पूर्ण रूप से बिजली आपूर्ति बाधित रहेगी और पटोरी प्रखंड के धर्मों गांव के पंचायतों में भी बिजली आपूर्ति पूर्ण रूप से बाधित रहेगी। अगर बिजली मिल गई तो जंदाहा और दलसिंहसराय ग्रिड उप केंद्र से पटोरी और मोहिउद्दीननगर प्रखंड क्षेत्र के लिए बिजली मांगी जाएगी।

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