Indian Communist Party Celebrates 98th Anniversary in Parshudiha
Meeting Held in Gobar Tola
Party Leaders Discuss Current Political Situation
Party Aims to Strengthen Worker’s Rights and Fight Injustice
Indian Communist Party, also known as the Bharatiya Communist Party, celebrated its 98th anniversary with a meeting held in Parshudiha. The meeting was organized in Gobar Tola, a small village in the state. Party leaders and members gathered to commemorate the occasion and discuss important matters related to the party’s future.
The meeting held in Gobar Tola provided a platform for party leaders to discuss the current political situation in the country. They analyzed the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for the party and its members. Various strategies and plans were discussed to address the issues faced by the working class and to fight against social injustices prevailing in society.
The Indian Communist Party aims to strengthen the rights of workers and fight against exploitation. The party believes in creating a society that is free from inequality and oppression. During the meeting, party leaders emphasized the importance of unity among members and the need to work towards achieving the party’s goals.
The 98th anniversary celebration of the Indian Communist Party in Parshudiha was a significant event for the party and its members. The meeting served as a platform to reflect on the party’s journey and achievements over the years. It also provided an opportunity to reaffirm the party’s commitment to serving the interests of the working class and striving for a more just and equal society.
भारतीय कम्युनिस्ट पार्टी (बीसीपी) ने अपने 98वें वर्षगांठ के उपलक्ष्य में परसुडीह के गोबर टोला में एक बैठक आयोजित की है। इस बैठक में पार्टी के सदस्य एकत्र होकर अपने उद्देश्यों, महत्वपूर्ण मुद्दों और आगामी चुनावों की योजनाओं पर चर्चा करेंगे। बीसीपी ने अपने लंबे समय के लिए राष्ट्रीय राजनीति में महत्वपूर्ण योगदान दिया है और इस बैठक के माध्यम से वे अपने अगले दौर के लिए रणनीति तैयार कर रहे हैं।