Current situation in Jharkhand
As of now, there are 15,326 people affected by AIDS in Jharkhand, according to the data from the AIDS Control Organization. This indicates a significant number of individuals who have been impacted by the disease in the region.
Number of tests conducted
This year, a total of 622,140 individuals have undergone testing for AIDS in Jharkhand, as reported by the AIDS Control Organization. This highlights the efforts being made to identify and address the issue by conducting a large number of tests across the population.
Number of infections detected
Out of the individuals tested, 975 people were found to be infected with AIDS. This highlights the importance of early detection and intervention to prevent further transmission of the disease. Efforts are being made to provide necessary treatment and support to these individuals.
Importance of AIDS control
The data underscores the need for effective measures and strategies to control the spread of AIDS in Jharkhand. It is crucial to raise awareness about the disease, promote safe practices, and ensure access to testing and treatment facilities for all individuals. Continued efforts are required to reduce the number of infections and provide support to those affected by AIDS.
झारखंड में वर्तमान में 15326 लोग प्रभावित हैं। एड्स कंट्रोल संगठन के आंकड़ों के अनुसार इस साल 6,22,140 लोगों की जांच की गई, जिसमें 975 लोग संक्रमित पाए गए।