Central Home Minister Amit Shah will be present at the 59th establishment day program of the Border Security Force in Hazaribagh, Jharkhand on 1 December. According to officials, the Home Minister will arrive in Ranchi on Thursday evening.
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The program will commemorate the 59th anniversary of the establishment of the Border Security Force (BSF). It will take place in Hazaribagh, Jharkhand. The Home Minister, Amit Shah, will be present at the event, which is expected to be attended by various officials and personnel from the BSF.
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The program holds importance as it marks the significant contribution of the Border Security Force to the security of the nation. It also provides an opportunity for the Home Minister to address the personnel and acknowledge their efforts in safeguarding the borders.
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The presence of the Home Minister, Amit Shah, at the program signifies the government’s recognition and support for the Border Security Force. It is a way to boost the morale of the personnel and show appreciation for their dedication and commitment towards national security.
केंद्रीय गृहमंत्री अमित शाह 1 दिसंबर को झारखंड के हजारीबाग में सीमा सुरक्षा बल के 59वें स्थापना दिवस कार्यक्रम में शामिल होंगे। गृह मंत्री के अनुसार, वे गुरुवार शाम रांची पहुंचेंगे।