The Sitamarhi police have arrested notorious criminal and arms supplier Narendra Singh. The police had been waiting for a long time to apprehend him. Under the leadership of SDPO Sadar Ramkrishna, the police team conducted a raid on Tuesday night and arrested Narendra Singh from his village Punaura Thana Khairwa. The SHO Ramnivas Kumar was informed secretly about the operation.
Narendra Singh is a well-known criminal in the area and is involved in various criminal activities, including supplying arms. The police had been tracking his movements for a while and finally managed to catch him. The arrest of Narendra Singh is a significant achievement for the Sitamarhi police as it will help in curbing the crime rate in the region.
The police team conducted a search operation at Narendra Singh’s residence and seized a significant quantity of arms and ammunition. The recovered weapons include pistols, rifles, and explosives. The police believe that Narendra Singh was involved in supplying these arms to various criminal gangs in the area. Further investigation is underway to gather more information about his criminal activities and associates.
The arrest of Narendra Singh has sent a strong message to other criminals in the region. The Sitamarhi police are determined to crack down on criminal activities and maintain law and order in the area. The successful operation against Narendra Singh is a step towards achieving this goal. The police will continue their efforts to ensure the safety and security of the residents in Sitamarhi.