In Motihari, Bihar, a minor girl was allegedly raped by a neighbor’s son. The incident took place on November 18 in a village under the Madhuban police station area. The father of the victim filed a complaint against the accused and his father, accusing them of the crime. The police acted swiftly and within 12 hours, they arrested both the accused and his father. They have been remanded to judicial custody.
The incident has sparked outrage in the area, with locals demanding justice for the victim. The police have assured that a thorough investigation will be conducted and the guilty will be punished. The victim’s family has expressed their gratitude towards the police for their prompt action and hopes for a speedy trial.
Cases of sexual assault against minors have been on the rise in the country, leading to widespread concern and calls for stricter laws and faster justice. The government has been urged to take immediate action to ensure the safety and security of children and to create a deterrent for such heinous crimes. The incident in Motihari highlights the urgent need for a comprehensive approach towards preventing and addressing such crimes in society.
मोतिहारी में एक नाबालिग से रेप के मामले में आरोपी और उसके पिता को पुलिस ने गिरफ्तार कर न्यायिक हिरासत में भेज दिया है। घटना 18 नवंबर को हुई थी, जब एक लड़के ने अपने पड़ोसी के गांव में 10 साल की बच्ची के साथ रेप किया था। पीड़िता के पिता ने मधुबन थानाध्यक्ष पर आरोप लगाया था।